
What are the 5 elements and how to connect with them? Jul 08, 2024

Elements are part of our daily lives. We walk amongst them as they are responsible for the great balance of our planet.

Every day, we get a chance to connect with them and yet, they have become invisible to our eyes. We have become insensitive to their presence. Or worse, we get upset when they...

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Summer Solstice Rituals to honor the Feminine Jun 20, 2024

If you’ve been following us for a while, or if you’ve maybe joined some of our offerings, you might have noticed that we love rituals! And we love them even more when they honor the feminine through intentional connection with nature. As we are only a few days away from the summer...

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The Moon and the Feminine: History, Cycles, Deities, and Rituals Jun 04, 2024

The Moon has long been associated with the Feminine. Ancient civilizations from across the Earth have been honoring her wisdom in different ways for thousands of years. If you are looking to deepen your relationship with this celestial body, this article has been written for you! Learn about the...

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8 reasons why women should gather in conscious circles Mar 04, 2024

Although it feels like a trend, women’s gatherings are an ancient, sacred practice inherited from our ancestors. They might look different today, but their benefits remain the same and they are numerous! 

From rituals to embodiment practices, the sisterhood experience will take you to...

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Wild Woman Archetype | A modern guide Feb 17, 2024

Also known as the huntress, the wild woman archetype calls when you’re ready to dance barefoot through life. She invites you take off your masks and embrace your rawest self.

Maybe you’ve been hearing the call of nature. Maybe you’ve been welcoming more of your feminine. Maybe...

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Spring Equinox Rituals for the Feminine Feb 06, 2024

The Spring Equinox is fast approaching. On this year of 2024, it will be observed on March 20th.

Since the dawn of time, people have been gathering worldwide to celebrate this seasonal transition. A collective rite of passage that carries beautiful spiritual wisdom and symbolism.

Every shift is...

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